I’m a self-described perfectionist. You know … one of those people who does 95% of a project well but deems the whole thing a failure because of that messed up 5%. If it’s not all right, then it’s ALL wrong … and it’s my fault.
The story of how I became a perfectionist is a long one that would require several hours and probably at least one bottle of wine to do it justice. 😊 But I’m sure it’s not much different than every other perfectionist out there.
So how does a perfectionist become a wild, free, intuitive abstract painter? I guess a lot of that answer is in why I’m NOT an objective, realist painter. Honestly? I know that I would never finish a painting because it would never be good enough to suit me. It would just never be “perfect.”
The rest of it came when I took an abstract workshop on a whim called “Soulful Painting” with Annie Lockhart. She had us just make random marks on a blank canvas without even looking! What?!? She had us use crazy tools to make marks, and turn the canvas at random intervals. We added cool colors, and then layered warm colors … all random … with no plan, just freedom, freedom, freedom. By the end of two days, I had learned some great techniques, but so much more!
I found my creative soul that weekend. I found the ability to paint with no judgment of myself. I found the freedom to follow the paint, colors, and tools wherever they led. I learned the joy of “happy accidents.” I saw the beauty in making marks and strokes that could never be replicated again, no matter how hard I tried. Completely unique. Completely authentic. Completely PERFECT in their imperfection.
That first amazing painting was entitled “Freedom” and is shown here. It’s also the first painting I ever sold. It lives in the home of Dr. David Fisher in Columbia, South Carolina.
Being an abstract expressionist artist has cured me of my perfectionism (mostly.) I’d like to think it has morphed into a pursuit of excellence in my work. Excellence is achievable as a I continue to master my craft, whereas perfection is an unattainable goal.
I found my PERFECT in the imperfections. They are perfect exactly as they are … because that’s how they are supposed to be. Just like each of us were created with our own flaws and imperfections, we are beautiful and perfect in all our uniqueness. No two are alike and they cannot be replicated.
Your home should be an expression of your uniqueness, too. Original artwork can be a way to reflect your individual personality in your home. Check out the Gallery here and find that unique piece that speaks to you today. Perfectionists unite!