Hi! I’m Vicki Zahand and I’m an artist and “recovering perfectionist.” I’ve been painting since about 2010. Generally, I’m an abstract expressionist painter working primarily in acrylic with some other mixed media occasionally thrown in. I am primarily self-taught, but have taken a variety of classes and workshops over the years to augment my skills. I am also blessed to be surrounded by an amazing cadre of magnificently talented artists who have both inspired me and taught me much along the way. I work “intuitively”, meaning that I rarely have a predetermined plan, or end-goal in mind when I begin a piece. I let the colors, mediums, and tools lead the way - along with my internal thoughts and feelings - to determine the outcome. I work with acrylic paint, watercolors, other water-soluable mediums, pencils, water-soluable crayons, oil pastels, gel-plate printing, and even collage in my work.
The over-arching theme of all of my work is “The Beauty of Imperfection.”
We all have flaws, scars, and failures that we usually try to hide from the world. The reality is that they are part of our story. We wouldn’t be who we are without those experiences. They have shaped our character and our personality. We are each unique and created to be and become exactly who we are in all of our imperfect glory. That is what makes us special.
My hope is that viewers of my work will see the “happy accidents,” “messiness,” and “imperfections” as a reflection of their own lives. But also see the beautiful way they come together. Not perfect, but a beautiful collection of experiences and moments. Good and bad … happy and sad … memorable and those we try to forget. But in the end they all come together as a masterpiece of a life well lived.
Vicki Zahand
Vicki’s studio at Winter Street Studios
Everyone loves a little sneak peak behind the scenes - I know I do!
I’d love to invite you into my studio space and share my creative process with you.
Come and visit my studio either in person or on a private video call - I would love to show you around, answer any questions, share any art in progress, and give you a closer look at a selection of my paintings. CONTACT me to make an appointment
Sawyers Yards - My studio is located in this amazing complex. Sawyer Yards is the largest concentration of working artist studios in the United Stated with over 400 working artist studios and creative business spaces within a 1/2 mile radius. It’s AMAZING!
Winter Street Studios - This is the studio building where you’ll find my studio. It was the very first building that started it all … before “Sawyer Yards” was even a thing … in 2005. It’s the cornerstone building, housing over 75 studios and nearly 100 working artists. It was remodeled in 2023, after a tragic and devastating fire bombing in December 2023. But we’re BACK better than ever!
Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring - I have been part of Matt Tommey’s Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program for several years now. It is a wonderful program that has brought me a great community of like-minded artists, and taught me a great deal about myself, my art, and my art business.
Christian Artist Directory - I’m proud to be listed among these incredibly talented artists. I’m listed under “Painters.”